youth in bed on laptop

Digital Trace: Cybersafety Workshop

‘Digital Trace’ is an online workshop that teaches young people how to stay safe and protect their personal information online. This 20-minute video covers a range of topics, designed to help young people make informed choices when navigating the online world, including:

  • What is a digital footprint?
  • Is your online activity permanent?
  • How to create a positive digital footprint
  • What to do if a person posts something negative or private about you online
  • Ways to respond if you witness inappropriate behaviour online

Watch 'Digital Trace: What mark will you leave on the Internet?

Additional resources

  • eSafety Commissioner - Information, resources and support to help you have safer, more positive experiences online. eSafety also has channels to report cyberbullying, harassment and image-based abuse.
  • Digital Reputation: What comes up when you Google yourself? - The eSafety Office speaks to young people about their digital reputation in this short video. You’ll be surprised to see what might come up when you search your name on the internet.
  • Australian Digital Health Agency - Information and tips to help manage your digital footprint.
  • Together We’re Stronger - Learn about the importance of bystander action in this short clip from Gender Equity Victoria.
  • Online Active Bystander Kit - Useful information and resources to help you stand up against online bullying and discrimination, courtesy of Gender Equity Victoria. Download their active bystander toolkit to find out how you can call out harassment and other forms of inappropriate behaviour on social media.

More information

For further information, please contact Youth and Family Services on:

Phone: 8571 1620
Facebook: cgdyouthservices
Instagram: @greaterdandenongyouthservices
