Young woman wearing face mask

COVID-19 Research Project - Key Findings

Throughout 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic created far-reaching challenges for individuals, families and communities. Youth and Family Services recognised that there would be long-term, scarring effects arising from the pandemic; and undertook a research project to gain an in-depth, localised insight into the resulting needs experienced by young people and families in Greater Dandenong.

Utilising a range of consultation methods, Youth and Family Services captured the voices of more than 260 young people, parents and carers (from August to December 2020).

The below report highlights key findings to emerge from the research, including a list of recommendations to assist Council and community stakeholders in shaping their response to community needs, as we embark on the process of recovering from this pandemic.

COVID-19 Research Project - Full Report - 2.5MB

Snapshot: Key findings for young people - 278KB

Snapshot: Key findings for parents and carers - 179KB

Snapshot: Key recommendations - 183KB

Following the release of this report, Greater Dandenong Youth and Family Services will be advocating to local services, youth organisations and relevant Government departments to ensure that the views shared by young people, parents and carers inform COVID-recovery efforts. Any agency or organisation with an interest in working collaboratively to support the implementation of the reports' recommendations is encouraged to contact Youth and Family Services on 8571 1620.

Find out more information

For further information, please contact Youth and Family Services

Phone: 8571 1620
Facebook: cgdyouthservices
Instagram: @GreaterDandenongYouthServices
